Tuesday 24 February 2009

St. Augustine + Gothic Church

St. Augustine’s philosophy had similar to Plato’s Allegory and the Cave and Gothic Church. Augustine make point that your are locked or chain up by dark evil and sinful prison. The only way to be free from the evilness of cave is through JESUS or the lights that go through the cave and saves you. The Allegory Cave helps you to know better world is because the cave is full of prisoner educated by the shadow and art but later if they get out of the cave they will see the light of the world. The light represents the Gothic Church of light. St. Augustine says that our body is full of good/brightness but outside we are bad. In Gothic Church out side is just simple and plain but inside is all holy with lights everywhere. The light also reflects the stained glasses with beautiful colorful colors that show the bible stories around the church. (Beatific)
He shows everything by lights!
We can say that we are bad in out side but light in inside is the important~

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