Monday 9 March 2009


I. Dark Ages
A. St. Augustine
1. one must remove the faulty impressions of knowledge of the wisdom to attain divine
2. only way to access good by God’s grace
a. achieve salvation and happiness (introspection)
3. believe science and philosophy only way to teaches theology were suspect
4. inside experience
5. outside world ugly, sinful evil and bad
a. need God’s grace to get out of it
6. beautiful and pure inside like heaven
B. Old St. Peters 320 BC at Rome with Basilica
1. Almost similar from Augustine
2. ugly and simple shows our world and beautiful shows God's wolrd
3. Basilica was been stolen from Greek Pagan temples for extra support
4. destroying Greek Pagan ideas and use them to build Christian worship
5. description Old St. Peter
C. Name of Rose
i. Neo-Platonism
1. idea of divine spark in you
2. our body is eriosn of soul
3. new allegory of the cave (plato)
a. physical body chain sine, grace helps you learn Bible / study word as you walking up
stairs; free (illuminiation)
ii. Abbey Saint Denis (1440-1144) and Abbot suger
1. Suger is neo-platonist
2. didnt believe reading the bible going to get into heaven
3. that time art helped them to reach heavne
4. first to build Gothic Cathedral (new style)
a. light
b. rose window
c. flying buttress
d. staired glass
e. Barrel Vault
5. Churach thought science and philosophy only way for help
III. Renaisasnce
A. Thams Aquinas use logic and science to prove God
1. use Averroes Avicenna that he get interest in Aristotle
2. Rejects Neo-Platonist doctrive of St. Agusutine
3. science and reasoning are way to understand God
B. ISearch?