Monday 9 March 2009


I. Dark Ages
A. St. Augustine
1. one must remove the faulty impressions of knowledge of the wisdom to attain divine
2. only way to access good by God’s grace
a. achieve salvation and happiness (introspection)
3. believe science and philosophy only way to teaches theology were suspect
4. inside experience
5. outside world ugly, sinful evil and bad
a. need God’s grace to get out of it
6. beautiful and pure inside like heaven
B. Old St. Peters 320 BC at Rome with Basilica
1. Almost similar from Augustine
2. ugly and simple shows our world and beautiful shows God's wolrd
3. Basilica was been stolen from Greek Pagan temples for extra support
4. destroying Greek Pagan ideas and use them to build Christian worship
5. description Old St. Peter
C. Name of Rose
i. Neo-Platonism
1. idea of divine spark in you
2. our body is eriosn of soul
3. new allegory of the cave (plato)
a. physical body chain sine, grace helps you learn Bible / study word as you walking up
stairs; free (illuminiation)
ii. Abbey Saint Denis (1440-1144) and Abbot suger
1. Suger is neo-platonist
2. didnt believe reading the bible going to get into heaven
3. that time art helped them to reach heavne
4. first to build Gothic Cathedral (new style)
a. light
b. rose window
c. flying buttress
d. staired glass
e. Barrel Vault
5. Churach thought science and philosophy only way for help
III. Renaisasnce
A. Thams Aquinas use logic and science to prove God
1. use Averroes Avicenna that he get interest in Aristotle
2. Rejects Neo-Platonist doctrive of St. Agusutine
3. science and reasoning are way to understand God
B. ISearch?

Saturday 28 February 2009

My role model Maria Celeste ♡

As all we know that Galileo was super intelligent scientist do all kinds of studying geocentric Model of the universe, philosophy, theology and world of evidence. Guess what Galileo had a very brilliant daughter just like him! Name Maria Celeste born on August 12, 1600 in Padua Italy. She was very dutiful daughter to Galileo who always support and take care of her father doing all his laundry, cooking, cleaning. As she being none who was showing lot of her love for him. Also, she would create her own herbal medicine using honey that she actually makes to give his father. She was also, Galileo’s publisher for his book because she wanted her father to lobe long to write the book to finish and acted as his editor. For daughter’s help Galileo was able to accomplish all things he supposes to do. She helps her father with what to write in via letters and telling what to say in front of Pope. (Inquisition committee to save himself) He almost has been died but his daughter saved him. She is like his savior. In the end she did awesome job because she finally finish the book for his father to finish it easier and faster that can change the world by that book. She didn’t had any educate on science nor did have training but she did it really good job.

My opinion!!!
I wanted to be like Maria Celeste. (Maybe I want a daughter like her since I am not like her LOL maybe in the future ^^ teheheheheh <3)
I am really jealous because she was one of bestest daughter in the whole wide world I guess >0< She must be super super smart to finish her dad’s book without getting any education and saves her dad in a travel.

St, Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways ♪

"The truth of the Christian faith... surpasses the capacity of reason, nevertheless that truth that the human reason is naturally endowed to know can not be opposed to the truth of the Christian faith.”

First Way: The Argument from Motion
- I agree on this becuas inorder to something to move we need a mover to move the objects. But how about something that is alive? (Human)
Second Way: Causation of Existence
- No object creates it self or unless your like super magical person just like God who can create everything. However, there is question that who made GOD? No one made god because according to BIBLE God is just if self and he is itself. He is the first mover to make all the creations. We can’t question or be curious about him because according to Holy Bible God is just itself alone somewhere over the rainbow somewhere holy~
Third Way: Contingent and Necessary Object
- . . . nothing~
Fourth Way: The Argument from Degrees and Perfection
Fifth Way: The Argument from Intelligent Design
- Everyone would be curious about who made the world?

I think everything is all makes sense and I believe everything but the more I feel comfortable to argue about is the Fourth one the Argument from Degrees and Perfection.
To start off this, we are living in a world of judging something between two things such as human, animals, objects and ect.
For Example:
If we are see someone who is Hot or Sexy we knocked out at that point to see that person which is God is giving us the feeling to feel that thing is hot or sexy.
But everyone has all different taste of seeing or taste.
If God judge people who are hot or sexy that would hurt people and it wouldn’t be fair for those of people who are not HOT! (by the this wouldn’t be happen)

Thomas: Everything is equal and Same Same (goodness, beauty, knowledge)
This is wrong wrong wrong because we are not the same or have same taste.
We are all look different, see differently Feel different that’s why we are not tire of seeing people everyday~ He is just comparing two things which one is the best out of two.
I think DETERMINES who's beautiful or not makes you the purpose of pleasing god with faith because you want to be better than way you are and asking for help to God ^^
Comparing two things or judging is not acceptable because even though we are all different we all have something special.
To end this, Aquinas is "begging the question" by stating his argument already assuming that it had been proved.

Ps: I don’t know what I was writing … >0<
I try my best to explain but I guess it ended like this……..

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Ghiberti Door

Lorenzo Ghiberti
▶Artist chosen to create the doors
▷1401, he won a competition for the first set of bronze doors for the Baptistery of the cathedral in Florence.
▶Took him 21 years to complete the doors
total of 28 panels, in which 20 consist of scenes from the New Testament and the remaining 8 panels showing the 4 evangelists - Saint Ambrose, Saint Jerome, Saint Gregory, and Saint
▷Augustine. The scenes in each panel are as follows:
1. Annunciation.
2. Nativity.
3. Adoration of the magi.
4. Dispute with the doctors.
5. Baptism of Christ.
6. Temptation of Christ
7. Chasing the merchants from the Temple.
8. Jesus walking on water and saving Peter.
9. Transfiguration.
10. Resurrection of Lazarus.
11. Entry of Jesus in Jerusalem.
12. Last Supper.
13. Agony in the Garden.
14. Christ captured.
15. Flagellation.
16. Jesus before Pilate.
17. Ascent to Calvary.
18. Crucifixion.
19. Resurrection.
20. Pentecost.
21. St. John Evangelist.
22. St. Matthew
23. St. Luke
24. St. Mark
25. St. Ambrose
26. St. Jerome
27. St. Gregory
28. St. Augustine
▶A total of seven sculptors competed, including: Lorenzo Ghiberti , Filippo Brunelleschi, Donatello, and Jacopa della Quercia
▷The Florence Baptistery located in Florence, Italy
▶Gilded bronze doors consist of twenty-eight panels
▷His plan to use scenes from the Old Testament, specifically the sacrifice of Isaac, but it soon changed to depict scenes from New Testament.
▶This architecture is hence known as Romanesque style.
▷The panels are surrounded by a framework of foliage in the door case and gilded busts of
prophets and sibyls at the intersections of the panels.

St. Augustine + Gothic Church

St. Augustine’s philosophy had similar to Plato’s Allegory and the Cave and Gothic Church. Augustine make point that your are locked or chain up by dark evil and sinful prison. The only way to be free from the evilness of cave is through JESUS or the lights that go through the cave and saves you. The Allegory Cave helps you to know better world is because the cave is full of prisoner educated by the shadow and art but later if they get out of the cave they will see the light of the world. The light represents the Gothic Church of light. St. Augustine says that our body is full of good/brightness but outside we are bad. In Gothic Church out side is just simple and plain but inside is all holy with lights everywhere. The light also reflects the stained glasses with beautiful colorful colors that show the bible stories around the church. (Beatific)
He shows everything by lights!
We can say that we are bad in out side but light in inside is the important~

My Example of Fallacies(!?!)

Hasty Generalization
Open up the umbrella in the class will cause six years of bad luck. My friend open up the umbrella and was unlucky for few years.

Faulty use of Authority
Hye Won says LeBron James is the most wonderful basketball player.

Post Hoc or Doubtful Cause
I took away my brother's favorite cookie, later i got stomach ache.

False analogy
Microsoft is the new Getty. (?)

Ad Hominem
Argument to the man, argument against the man.
He is a slave. No slaves can have anything to say about their complains to us.

False Dilemma
Either it will rain or be sunny.

Slippery Slope
After marijuana is legalized, cocaine will be too.

Begging the Question
Women should not be elected by president because a president job is only for men.

Straw Man
I don't trust in diet commercial because i don't like the idea of always skinny people coming out of TV.

Sunday 22 February 2009


i was just wondering about being TRUE CHRISTIAN...?!!?
i really consider myself a really GOOD #1 Christian in my world BUT
i question my faith and religion...because there are so much things to question and complains about my mystery religion called CHRISTIAN ^_^

There is no One can't tell me the truth But all the people's experiences.
to tell the truth i just got to have strong faith in me.
Since i got brain wash by Christian i only can follow Christian way of doing everything.
I always go against any religion >0<;;; there is NONONONO true religion beside
(iam sterotypical) LOL

since we talked about the Crusades and all that killing
many Jews and Muslim i got to know more about my religion more deeply ~

to end this blog i wanted to say that its all fault and we shouldn't blame anyone or everyone during crudsade.
they should have listen to each other before showing physical action to it ...
