Tuesday 24 February 2009

Ghiberti Door

Lorenzo Ghiberti
▶Artist chosen to create the doors
▷1401, he won a competition for the first set of bronze doors for the Baptistery of the cathedral in Florence.
▶Took him 21 years to complete the doors
total of 28 panels, in which 20 consist of scenes from the New Testament and the remaining 8 panels showing the 4 evangelists - Saint Ambrose, Saint Jerome, Saint Gregory, and Saint
▷Augustine. The scenes in each panel are as follows:
1. Annunciation.
2. Nativity.
3. Adoration of the magi.
4. Dispute with the doctors.
5. Baptism of Christ.
6. Temptation of Christ
7. Chasing the merchants from the Temple.
8. Jesus walking on water and saving Peter.
9. Transfiguration.
10. Resurrection of Lazarus.
11. Entry of Jesus in Jerusalem.
12. Last Supper.
13. Agony in the Garden.
14. Christ captured.
15. Flagellation.
16. Jesus before Pilate.
17. Ascent to Calvary.
18. Crucifixion.
19. Resurrection.
20. Pentecost.
21. St. John Evangelist.
22. St. Matthew
23. St. Luke
24. St. Mark
25. St. Ambrose
26. St. Jerome
27. St. Gregory
28. St. Augustine
▶A total of seven sculptors competed, including: Lorenzo Ghiberti , Filippo Brunelleschi, Donatello, and Jacopa della Quercia
▷The Florence Baptistery located in Florence, Italy
▶Gilded bronze doors consist of twenty-eight panels
▷His plan to use scenes from the Old Testament, specifically the sacrifice of Isaac, but it soon changed to depict scenes from New Testament.
▶This architecture is hence known as Romanesque style.
▷The panels are surrounded by a framework of foliage in the door case and gilded busts of
prophets and sibyls at the intersections of the panels.

1 comment:

  1. Who is this again o know its a korean because of that f4 thingy
