Saturday 28 February 2009

My role model Maria Celeste ♡

As all we know that Galileo was super intelligent scientist do all kinds of studying geocentric Model of the universe, philosophy, theology and world of evidence. Guess what Galileo had a very brilliant daughter just like him! Name Maria Celeste born on August 12, 1600 in Padua Italy. She was very dutiful daughter to Galileo who always support and take care of her father doing all his laundry, cooking, cleaning. As she being none who was showing lot of her love for him. Also, she would create her own herbal medicine using honey that she actually makes to give his father. She was also, Galileo’s publisher for his book because she wanted her father to lobe long to write the book to finish and acted as his editor. For daughter’s help Galileo was able to accomplish all things he supposes to do. She helps her father with what to write in via letters and telling what to say in front of Pope. (Inquisition committee to save himself) He almost has been died but his daughter saved him. She is like his savior. In the end she did awesome job because she finally finish the book for his father to finish it easier and faster that can change the world by that book. She didn’t had any educate on science nor did have training but she did it really good job.

My opinion!!!
I wanted to be like Maria Celeste. (Maybe I want a daughter like her since I am not like her LOL maybe in the future ^^ teheheheheh <3)
I am really jealous because she was one of bestest daughter in the whole wide world I guess >0< She must be super super smart to finish her dad’s book without getting any education and saves her dad in a travel.

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